Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Been cold lately.......

I'll tell you what I have been having a blast in this cold weather. These photos are from last friday with JaNea and Shawn and their dog Duke. I saw JaNea at a wedding I was shooting last summer and I knew her name, where she was from, that her family had a grocery store, and all sorts of eery details that only a stalker would know and neither of us have any idea how we know each other. Like my dad I have a gift for remembering "important" details such as birthdays from kids who sat next to me in first grade and where I was when I ate just about any meal I have ever eaten. Anyway, it is twilight zone material.
I am way looking forward to shooting this wedding in Logan and then the reception in a small town that I forget the name of but I love small towns.


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Anonymous said...

these are soo cutee !!! I love that doggie :)