Monday, March 30, 2009

more to adventure in Chicago

I could write a short book about my weekend in Chicago. This image was actually taken in Indiana two days ago. I will have more pictures and the full story later. -Casey

Monday, March 23, 2009

Meghann and Mike


You may remember Andrew and Megan, the Irish wedding from 2008. Well, Mike is Andrew's friend from the ol' country. They were friends in County Cork and have continued their friendship even though Mike now lives in the States. Meghann is from Lousiana. Of course the common topic whenever you meet someone from Louisiana is how they like their crawfish. I am bummed that I won't be able to be at their engagement party in Louisiana because they are having a crawfish boil. I was introduced to crawfish by a man who claimed that sucking the juice out of the head was a common thing in those parts. I tried it and didn't mind it. Of course, I don't mind much of anything except when I was force fed an octupus brain in Italy. Anyway, we had a fun shoot down in Utah County last Friday. I was bummed that the Aggies lost that morning but what a game!! I should be posting more frequently as we get more and more into wedding season. I am excited to try all sorts of new ideas.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Long time since I have posted

Sami got a new camera for her birthday. There is no limit to what she photographs. She is very creative and frequently says, "I should've brought my camera." She especially likes taking pictures of everything. She has a 256 mb card that holds 555 images.

A rebel without a cause.

I have had my nose in my computer a lot lately and have grossly neglected this blog spot. I have been developing some new ideas for albums and stuff and designing albums as well. I have a lot of stuff coming up so I will be posted more in the near future. Make sure to come to the Wedding Showcase at the Loft in Logan on March 21st. It should be sweet. I will be in Chicago at the end of the month for Savanah and Daniel's wedding. I am excited as I love Chicago. Anyway I will be more active with my blog moving into the spring.