Friday, January 30, 2009

Danica and Mike

This photo shoot almost didn't happen because of snow. Snowflakes look better on video than on photo because they freeze in front of eyes and stuff. Anyway we had a great time. Mike is a hockey player and Danica holds her own on the ice so we hit Merlin Olsen Ice Rink which has been open lately. It is such a sweet rink. I need to get some skates. Enjoy the pics.

Monday, January 26, 2009

USU Bridal Faire Giveaway

Welcome to this years USU Bridal Faire Giveaway!! Make sure to bookmark this page because in the upcoming weeks and months we are going to be posting a lot of new material as well as giving away gifts and photographic advice (lighting, location, etc...) to create the most favorable conditions for photographing your own wedding day. If you need to contact me at anytime please email me at , visit my website at or call me at 801-979-0161. I encourage questions so don't be shy.

The prizes this year are:
1) Custom Engagement guest sign in book. This has been wildly popular and is valued at $150. We design the album and it is bound in a hardback coffee table album like something you would see at Borders. It is timeless! This prize goes to the first ten brides to book a wedding date.
2) In addition the first five brides to book will receive (3) 8x10 fine art prints valued at $135.

I have attached my pricing to the email that I sent out. Please contact us with any questions.
Brides are booking early so contact us soon. We look forward to hearing from you!!

Thanks, Casey

Friday, January 23, 2009

Any guesses?

I do not often take time to intentionally photograph landscapes. Anything I show you is usually something that happens when I am shooting portraits of people and see something that needs photographed. Often I forget that I even took the shot and then stumble upon it later. This is the case with this photograph that I took with a couple last fall. Occasionally I am going to post some of these images and give out free stuff for anyone who can guess where I took it. The first person to guess this one will receive a complimentary photo session valued at $100.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stella Bridals

What an amazing photo shoot this was. Stella's mother came out from China in prep for her upcoming wedding and we had a great time. This shoot was in Logan, Ut. Any guesses where?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ava 6 months

Some of you may remember a post I did 6 months ago on Ava when she was a newborn. Today we did her 6 month photos and she is darling. These were done in my studio (aka, living room and kitchen). I told Melissa, her mom, that I am going to offer a special for January and February for anyone who wants baby or kid portraits on location or at my studio. I will extend that offer to anyone.The special is $250 (for up to three kids) for a session and a CD with the images. If you are out of town pricing will vary. The sessions last about 30-45 minutes depending. Note: Clothing plays a large part in the quality of the portrait and adds a lot of character so take thought of what to wear. Call for availability at 801-979-0161.

Some of you may remember a post I did 6 months ago on Ava when she was a newborn. Today we did her 6 month photos and she is darling. These were done in my studio (aka, living room and kitchen). I told Melissa, her mom, that I am going to offer a special for January and February for anyone who wants baby or kid portraits on location or at my studio. I will extend that offer to anyone.The special is $250 (for up to three kids) for a session and a CD with the images. If you are out of town pricing will vary. The sessions last about 30-45 minutes depending. Notice that clothing plays a large part in the quality of the portrait and adds a lot of character so take thought of what to wear. Call for availability at 801-979-0161.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Savannah and Daniel

I did a photo shoot with Savannah some 4-5 years ago and like many of my clients she quickly became a lifetime friend of the family. She called almost immediately after she got engaged and that is truly an honor when someone says they have been waiting to use you as a photographer. I am honored. We will be shooting the wedding at the end of March in Chicago. This is an energetic couple. I don't have to do much work, they do all the work and I just photograph.

The above photo has a story behind it. Daniel forgot to bring a tie for some more formal shots so we went looking for a shop with ties downtown Salt Lake. I remembered a conversation with a man I had on an elevator around 7 years ago. I served an LDS mission in Italy and for some reason I figured he was Italian and we had a small conversation in which he mentioned that he owned the men's clothing store to the east of the SLC Temple. He was super nice. So on Saturday I said "Why don't we go to that little Italian store named Moda Italia?" I guessed that ties might cost $30 or something. So we enter to this warm Italian smile and he was so helpful and nice. Savannah used the dressing room to change and came out and Tony (store owner) was helping Savannah find a tie that matched her blouse. Daniel went to change and as we were walking to pay for the tie Savannah and I looked at the price tag, $135 for the chosen tie. We looked at each other in complete shock. I don't know ties could cost so much. I thought an expensive tie was $30. We were in too deep to pull out now. So Savannah and I said we had better wait for Daniel cause he had the deep pockets. We told him how much it was but Tony was picking up on the fact that we had no idea a tie would cost so much so he said he would let us name our price. Daniel says, "$30". Tony about fell off his chair, "Whata are youa kiddinga mea?" he says in a thick Italian accent. Daniel then says, "$45". Tony is still in amazement. He says," I am nota kidding with you when Ia tella you that I paid more than that just to get it here." Feeling partly responsible I leaned over and told Daniel that I would pay half. Tony settled on a price close to half of the price of the tie and mentioned under his breath that he felt ashamed because he has never sold a tie for so little. He made sure we knew that everything in the store was imported from Italy and was top of the line. I wandered around the room and was now aware of all the price tags in the room. The average suit coat sold for $950. I have bought cars for less than that. Come to think of it I have bought cars less than the cost of that tie. Nonetheless, it was a great adventure and Tony calmed down after Savannah put her arm around him. Italians just need a little love.