Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jack's encounter with an Escalator

We took the kids to the Church history museum a few days ago and Jack had never been on an escalator at least that he recalled. He was scared out of his mind. He finally decided to get on and when we got to the top every kid's worst nightmare happened. His shoelace got caught and was sucking his shoe into the stairs. I saved him from going to wherever kids go when they get sucked into one of those things but he was terrified. He sat there and stared at the escalator for at least 10 minutes. We went away for a minute and I turned around and he had gone back to stare a little longer. It was hilarious. All I had was my cell phone camera but it was better than nothing.


Disney Grandma said...

That is the best picture, I love it to pieces. What a cute grandkid.

Don and Mary Lou said...

Hi Guys.
I love this picture. I remember when Mealanie had an encpunter with an escalator in the airport in SLC. This picture reminded me of it and I laughed so hard. Keep sending us great pictures and stories. We love and miss you,

Melissa said...

This is hilarious! Poor kid.

V.I.C.K.I. said...

Oh he is a curious one, that Jack.

Jen said...

Poor Jack! I still am afraid my shoe lace will get caught.