Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good Things Utah!!

Last week I stayed at my little brother's house and the next morning we woke up and went to Good Things Utah with three of his friends Jordan, Jared and Bridger. We thought we would shake things up a bit since it is normally a show for females. We pulled up to the studio and saw a line of women and not one man. Someone asked if we should turn around. We decided to approach it like men and just go for it. When we got inside we sat between rows of Brownie scouts and Draper moms. The first thing the announcer asked was 'Why are you here?" My little brother Matt said, "Because we love the show". I personally had never seen it. In the end we learned about how to cook Beefalo ( a mix between a cow and buffalo) and how to plant trees with Grandma Joy. It was interesting and apparently quite a few moms watch it in Utah. When it was over we got to go take pictures with the hosts. I might add we got three television appearances as an audience and we can be heard yelling in the background with our masculine Arsenio type hoots. Fantastic adventure!

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